Taking nothing but memories, we left one life behind, in search of another...

With miles and maps behind us, the only path left, would be the one we make for ourselves...

Knowing we may go too far... knowing we may never return, we readied ourselves for an expedition to discover just how far we could go...

We came upon untamed places and dipped our toes into wild, ever-changing waters.

We discovered once-wild things that once roamed these wild places... and stirred a part of our once-wild selves.

We reached the place of "No Return". We forgot everything we used to be... We adorned our bodies with the colors and movement of life, death, and of the world.

We built a tiny, wild house. In this tiny, wild house, we acted according to our wilder selves and behaved in wilder ways.

Untamed, in a place uncharted, we delight in our wild "creature" selves, littering the path with evidence of our dalliances in new ways of creation, as we create, and create... and create.